1933年, 英国作家詹姆斯.希尔顿,根据美国《国家地理》杂志所刊登的《大洋彼岸》一文中,介绍的中国西部见闻,创作了一部长篇小说——《消失的地平线》。书中描述了在中国边远的西部“蓝月谷”,有一个人人平等、幸福欢乐、没有忧伤痛苦的人间伊甸园,叫“香格里拉”,她就座落在神圣、圣洁、祥瑞的“卡拉卡尔”神山之下。这座形如金字塔,闪烁熠熠光芒的“卡拉卡尔”神山是“香格里拉”的精神、灵魂所在,是现实世界和精神世界之间隆起的心灵归宿。
“To Conway, seeing it first, it might have been a vision fluttering out of that solitary rhythm in which lack of oxygen had encompassed all his faculties. It was, indeed, a strange and half-incredible sight. A group of colored pavilions clung to the mountainside with none of the grim deliberation of a Rhineland castle, but rather with the chance delicacy of flower petals impaled upon a crag. It was superb and exquisite. An austere emotion carried the eye upward from milk-blue roofs to the gray rock bastion above, tremendous as the Wetterhorn above Grindelwald. Beyond that, in a dazzling pyramid, soared the snow slopes of Karakal. It might well be, Conway thought, the most terrifying mountainscape in the world, …” --James Hiltion,《Lost Horizon》